TextCaster Sign-up Information
We will be using a new system this year for weather alerts and sports/activity information. These alerts will not come as a phone call. They will be a text message as well as posting the information to Facebook and Twitter. If you do not receive text messages on your phone you will need to let us know. To sign up for these alerts you will need to go to the Irene-Wakonda School web page.
1. https://www.irene-wakonda.k12.sd.us/
2. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the home page.
3. Click on Sign Up for Text Alerts!
4. Enter your first and last name, phone number
5. Choose District for sure. This is the one that Weather related announcements will be sent to. Activities/Sports will be used to announce any changes to Activities and Sports Information.
6. Click Submit.
7. It will ask you to enter a code from your phone.
If you have any questions please email me at stephanie.ganschow@k12.sd.us or call me at 605-263-3311