IW Eagles Spring Baseball Merchandise
If you would like to purchase merchandise to support the Irene-Wakonda Eagles Baseball team you can go to the following link. https://mrghauff.chipply.com/IDUBBASEBALL

School Board Recognition
Irene-Wakonda School is celebrating School Board Recognition Week The Irene-Wakonda School will join districts across the state to thank school board members for their leadership and service to our local school district and communities . . .

All Conference Volleyball
Congratulations!! Great Plains All Conference VB Madison Orr and Paige O'Daniel All Conference Emily Oien Honorable Mention Cornbelt All Conference VB Madison Orr 2nd Team

Congratulations Duncan!!
Congratulations to Duncan Sharples-Schmidt on placing in the Top 3 at the District Oral Interp competition yesterday (Nov. 6). Duncan will be going on to compete at Regionals later this month.

Adopt a Duck for Hutch
Adopt a Duck for Hutch at Lunch! $5 a duck. Available at both junior and senior high lunch periods while supplies last. Each duck comes with a magnet secured to the bottom to put on lockers or fridges at home. All proceeds go to the . . .
IW Journalism Club
The first edition of The I-W Journal, the student publication of the newly-formed Journalism Club, appears in the Sept. 26 edition of The New Era . I-W students interested in joining the Journalism Club should contact Advisor Riva . . .
Ribbons for Hutch
Here are a couple pictures of the intro to cabinetry class after they installed Hutch's ribbon. The class constructed the ribbon which was later painted by Theresa Preheim. Fight Like Hutch!! If you click on the picture . . .

Bracelets for Hutch
The school has bracelets for Hutch that are available to purchase for $2. The proceeds will go to the family for food and board. Please see Katey at the JH/HS or Kayla at the Elementary to purchase.

Yearbooks for sale
Your school's online offer link to purchase your yearbook online. This link takes the buyer directly to buy your yearbook. Here's the link for your convenience: https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A07747100

Calculator for Math
Mrs. Mutchelknaus would like students in 7th and 8th math, Algebra 1 and Geometry to have a scientific calculator. The TI-30 XIIS or Casio FX 300ES are two good choices, but any scientific calculator will do.
The SDHSAA is trying to get an economic impact study completed to hopefully engage some more support for you as schools and the Association as . . .

Sports Physicals
Don't forget to get your Sports Physicals. You will need this before you can participate in regular season practice. Pioneer Memorial will be at the Irene school on July 24th from 8:00-10:30 am . The forms you . . .

Congratulations Jens!
Congratulations to Jens Hansen who was selected as 3 rd Team All-Conference. Great job!

Coach Rozys
Regarding Coach Rozy’s For grades 7-12, the workouts will be Monday-Thursday 6:30-8:00 AM. The cost is $279 per kid. We will be doing an 85% rule, meaning if you make 85% or more of the workouts, you will get $100 off per kid. When . . .

I-W Bee Club
Thanks to all that have supported the I-W Bee Club. This is a great story by the students and Mrs. Knodel. https://www.dakotanewsnow.com/2024/03/11/irene-wakonda-bee-club-sells-honey-while-teaching-priceless-lessons/

Instrumental Solo/Ensemble Contest
Instrumental solo and ensemble contest was held in Lennox today. The woodwind choir and Grace & Rory’s duet received superior ratings! The brass choir and flute quartet were one point away from receiving superior, getting an . . .

Essay Award
Congratulations to Hailey Orr and Wyatt Hoxeng!! Here's what SEFP had to say about it: "A highlight of this year’s fair was the addition of an essay contest, which challenged students to think . . .

I-W Junior Career Fair
The Juniors attended a Career Fair in Bridgewater on February 14th.
Thank you to Matthew Davis and Brian Spurrell with helping Pat and Devin move the huge snow drift from our front HVAC unit on the gymnasium.

State Wrestling Tickets
Please find the attached ticket order for pre-sales State Wrestling Championship tickets for this year's event in Rapid City. State Wrestling Tournament- . . .

NOW OPEN! Great News. Community access to the school/community fitness center is open. Please fill out the usage agreement and send back to high school secretary Pam Erickson. Fitness Center Usage Agreement

Cheer Calendars For Sale
Cheerleaders are selling calendars again this year. We will be selling them at football and volleyball games for $10. See a cheerleader or Mrs. Metheny to purchase. Thanks!

Online Tutoring
Our Dakota Dreams offers free online tutoring for all South Dakota K-12 students. Led by tutors pursuing education degrees at Northern State University and Black Hills State University, these sessions are valuable tools to . . .

Yearbooks For Sale!!
2022-23 Yearbooks are here!! You can purchase them for $40 from Pam Erickson.
Back to School Welcome Letter
This year we will not be sending out back to school packets in the mail. We will be doing registration online. You can find the Welcome Back to School letter as well as the link to online registration below. Please fill out . . .
Athletic Physicals
Get your physicals done before you can practice or play!! You can turn these into your coach, Mr. King or Pam Erickson at the school when you get them done. SDHSAA Physical Form
Live Ticket TV
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Irene-Wakonda School Announces Partnership with Live Ticket TV (Winner, SD) – Irene-Wakonda has announced a partnership with Live Ticket TV as their new source of streaming home sporting . . .
Cheer Calendar
The cheerleaders are once again selling ads for the cheer calendar. A letter is going out to businesses that have advertised before, but if you would like to buy a new ad please email Mrs. Metheny: Jill.Metheny@k12.sd.us . . .

Dakota Timing Live Stream
Dakota Timing has the potential to live stream track meets but they need 50 people to subscribe. If you would subscribe it would let parents be able to watch track meets that Dakota Timing is at. Please click on the link below to . . .

USD Volleyball and Basketball Camps
Please click on the links below for more information on camps. USD Boys Basketball Camps USD Volleyball Camps USD Girls Basketball Camps

Congratulations Landra on being a Finalist!!
Congratulations to Landra Knodel on being one of the three finalist for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching for South Dakota! Landra Knodel was recently selected as a 2023 South . . .

FCCLA "End Period Poverty" Project
This year the Irene-Wakonda FCCLA has decided to make baskets with period products in them to place in community restrooms. Members decided upon this project because they saw a need in the community for feminine hygiene products. We . . .

Sign Up Now for Email and Text Reminders
We will be using a new system for cancelations and announcements. You will need to follow the directions below to sign up. Please sign up ASAP. We will be using a new system this year for weather alerts and . . .

Congratulations Madison Orr!!
Congratulations Madison Orr on making Second Team All Conference VB Team.
Cornbelt All Conference Team
Congrats to Dashel Spurrell, Miles Pollman, and Chase Dahlerup for making The Cornbelt All-Conference Team. Also, congrats to Brody Van Beek for making Honorable Mention!!! Well deserved guys!!!

Junior High Honor Choir
Congratulations to Savanna Hoxeng for making Junior High Honor Choir which will be held in January at Rapid City.
Angel Tree Project
The Angel Tree Project provides Christmas gifts to students to help bring joy to the holiday season. Sign up now to sponsor students or whole families. Contact Miss Aesoph at alannah.aesoph@k12.sd.us or call the school. . . .

Happy Fall!!
Enjoy the pretty colors at the Irene-Wakonda Elementary. Please click on the picture to view more.

Dakota Dreams Online Tutoring
Dakota Dreams is providing free tutoring for students K-12. The tutors are education students in college. Parents must sign the students up. Please click here for more info.

Build Your Base
Build Your Base is a comprehensive sports nutrition program that utilizes beef as its premier protein. It strives to prepare athletes and their families for a successful sports season through ready-to-use materials, best-in-class . . .

TextCaster Sign-up Information
We will be using a new system this year for weather alerts and sports/activity information. These alerts will not come as a phone call. They will be a text message as well as posting the information to Facebook and Twitter. . . .

Congratulations to the Girls Basketball Team!
Congratulations to the 2022 Girls Basketball team on their Academic All State Award. As a team they had a 3.0 GPA.

2022 Pacesetter Volleyball Camp
Tuesday-Thursday, July 26-28 Session 1 Grades 9-12 8:30-11:30 $80 per player Session 2 Grades 5-6 12:30-2:00 $50 per player Session 3 Grades 7-8 2:00-4:00 $60 per player Please register!! Please . . .

Elementary Volleyball Camp
July 26-28, 2022 4:30-6:00 Grades 1st - 4th $30 per player Irene High School Gym Contact Hannah Lukes if you have any questions. hannah.lukes@k12.sd.us Please click for FORM

Irene-Wakonda School District Families: The purpose of this message is to help District families plan for the 2022-2023 school year regarding school lunch/breakfast. Congress did not extend the funding for universal free . . .

Lifeguards Wanted
Wanted: Lifeguards for the Wakonda pool this summer. Contact Casey Pollman if interested or have questions.

4-H Junior Leader Project
Teacher Survival Kit
We had a couple of students who were involved in the creation and distribution of “Teacher Survival Kits”. This was a Yankton County 4H Junior Leaders project. Pictured are Cain Healy, Mike King, Natalie Grimm and Rory Swensen.

2022 Track Schedule
Here is the Track Schedule for 2022. Date Leave Time Start Time Name/Location Division Mon. 3/28 8:30 10:00 Mount Marty-Yankton JH Mon. 3/28 11:45 . . .

IW Valedictorian and Salutatorian
Irene-Wakonda High School is proud to announce this year's valedictorian and salutatorian. Valedictorian: Isabell Sees Salutatorian: LillyAnn Logue Congratulations!!!

South Dakota Junior High Honor Choir
Savanna Hoxeng attended South Dakota Junior High Honor Choir January 20-21. She sent in a recorded audition in October and was selected for the Women’s Choir. Over 500 students from across the state auditioned to be in this elite event.

BeKipp Foundation
Be Sweet, Be Humble, Be Kind, Be Passionate, Be Driven. Be Kipp The Irene-Wakonda School would like to thank the BeKipp Foundation for the new AED for our school. We were given this AED through a grant. . . .
USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
Non-Discrimination Statement In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in . . .

Perfect Score at State Oral Interp
Congratulations Isabell Sees on receiving a Superior Plus at State Oral Interp. Isy received a perfect score from all three judges!!!

Irene-Wakonda teacher using snowplow naming contest to teach students
Please click below to see the Article. https://www.keloland.com/news/local-news/irene-wakonda-teacher-using-snowplow-naming-contest-to-teach-students/
Viborg-Hurley Irene-Wakonda Wrestling
This year Irene-Wakonda will be co-oped with Viborg-Hurley for Wrestling. The first match is Saturday in Flandreau at 10am and Tuesday at Howard at 5pm. Wrestlers from Irene-Wakonda are Duncan Sharples-Schmidt, Connor Ganschow, . . .

Notice of Destruction of Special Education Records
Notice of Destruction of Special Education Records Date: 10/22/21 Attention Parents/Guardians, Former Students, Eligible (Adult) Students: Special Education records which have been . . .

NFHS Live Stream
Click on the following link to stream games and other events through NFHS Network. There is also a link under Quicklinks. https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/irenewakonda-high-school-irene-sd

Return to School Plan 2021-22
Please click and read the Return to School Plan below for the 2021-22 school year. Return to School Plan

Coach Rozy Summer Performance Training
Registration Form
I-W 2021 Summer Performance Training Program Upper Level Program(Grades 7-12): M-T-W-TH in Irene Session 1: 6:30-8:00 am Session 2: 5:30-7:00 pm $279.00 if paid on or before May 15, 2021 Jr Level Program(Grades 3-6): . . .

Return to Play Form
Dear Parents and Guardians, Attached you will find the Return to Play Form from the South Dakota High School Activities Association. This form must be completed by an approved health care official(MD/DO/PAC/ARNP) before a student who has . . .

The Irene-Wakonda School District will now be sending a weekly active student/staff positive COVID update instead of the separate emails when we are notified of a positive COVID case. Click here for the weekly COVID update. . . .

FREE School Meals
ALL students attending the Irene-Wakonda District will receive meals at no cost! The Irene-Wakonda School District has finally met the criteria to be accepted into a program by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that . . .

Yearbooks For Sale
Offer good through October 9th. Purchase the yearbook for the LOW, LOW price of $25.00 -- lowest price it has been in the last 10 years. http://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A07747100
Yearbook Help
Irene-Wakonda Yearbook Staff is looking for pictures of YOU to document this Historical Time in History. Looking for students dressed up in their prom dresses at home or on your front stoop. How about your work stations as you and your . . .

FCCLA Community Service Project
The FCCLA is collecting donations for hygiene kits her a community service project. We will accept anything from soaps,deodorants, shampoo, towels, combs to hygiene products for women. The kits are going to two different shelters, . . .

Basketball Game Schedule Changes
Basketball games this year will go in the following order... JV Girls JV Boys Varsity Girls Varsity Boys

2019 Yearbooks are Here!!
2019 Yearbooks are here! Get YOURS for $40! Order online by clicking the Jostens photo.

Job Openings for HS Kids!!
Please click on the links below for posted jobs. Pioneer Memorial Hospital Wakonda Heritage Manor Wakonda Pool